As you enter the second cave, you are overwhelmed by a feeling of
claustrophobia as the walls begin to close-in around you. Before long, it is hardly wide
enough for your shoulders, and Sigvard urges you all to form a single file line. You
eagerly take the front spot, while Boris insists he stay in the back. Soon, the incline of
the ceiling forces you to your knees. Crawling, you make your way towards the pin-prick
of light at the tunnels end. You are nearly there when suddenly, the group stops.
"Um, guys," says Boris, "I think I'm stuck."
His hypothesis is proven correct as you and Sigvard pull to no avail. After an hour of
yanking and tugging, Boris implores you to go on without him. Seeing little other option,
you concede.
When you finally exit the constricting passage, you are faced once more with three dark tunnels
When you finally exit the constricting passage, you are faced once more with three dark tunnels
Again, Sigvard claims they each lead to the exit, but present their own unique hazards.
The first, leads to a frigid waterfall and fast-moving stream, guaranteed hypothermia.
The second leads to a nearly vertical slide, an unstable rock formation, guaranteed broken bones.
The third leads to a thin walkway above a seemingly bottomless chasm, guaranteed a long way down.