As you enter the second cave, you immediately begin to lose your footing. With each step, the floors incline increases. Sigvard urges you to get on your back and crabwalk the length of the passage. He goes first, slowly easing his way down the steep slide and bracing himself against the unstable floor. You follow closely behind, trying your best to mirror his movements. At this height, one slip would slide you straight to certain death. Just as the thought crosses your mind, you notice Sigvard brace his hand against a loose rock, and watch as his arm slips out from under him. In seconds, Sigvard is halfway down the slope, traveling at terminal velocity towards the cave wall. He lands with a loud CRACK! And a guttural scream. When you come at last to the bottom of the slide, you find Sigvard, still groaning, legs bent unnaturally behind him. Thankfully, Hans is able to administer painkillers, and fashion a splint out of spare tools. Soon, Sigvard is in stable condition. Together, you and Hans hold him up, and with Sigvards expertise, he is able to guide you both safely to the exit.