As you enter the first cave you are struck by the stark drop in temperature. Journeying deeper, you begin to hear the sounds of rushing water as it echoes throughout the cave. At length, you come to a wide rock bridge outstretched above a rushing stream. On top of it, a powerful waterfall rains down like a broken faucet. To cross, your party has no choice but to walk through it. All together, you decide it's best to get it over with, and make a run for it. When you come out the other side, you are relieved to see Sigvard and Hans alongside you. But before you can start to smile, your headlamps begin to flicker. Then, all at once, they go out. Without Boris there to fix it, all of your technology has been completely destroyed by the water. In complete darkness with no sense of direction, your screams fall on deaf ears, and you starve in about two weeks.