The hoodie slides off his head. You feel Theo's heart jolt, but not as much as yours as the light in Theo's room illuminates the purple and yellow bruise that's flowered around Theo's eye and cheekbone.
Your mouth hangs open in shock, eyes widening by the second as you study the bruise. Theo slumps in embarrassed defeat.
"I promise," he attempts to reason, "it looks way worse than it actually is."
You take Theo by the shoulders, jaw clenched.
"Who did this?"
"Theo," you repeat, your grip on Theo's shoulders tightening. You have to remind yourself to hold back your enhanced strength. "Who did this?"
Theo slumps, his eyes sad. He looks you in the eye for the first time that night. Your heart breaks at the blood in Theo's eye.
"Jesus Christ, Theo-"
"It was some kids at school," Theo blurts out. He shrugs your hands off.
You step back, taking in his words. It's not like Theo to lie to you. Then again, you've been lying to him his whole life.
What's his secret?