And The Silver Spoon

"You know," you start, taking Theo's shoulder and guiding him to his bed. He looks up at you in confusion as you sit him down on the edge, then sit beside him. "There was a time about twenty years ago where anytime you were walking to work in Manhattan, the chances of seeing The Bolt fight off a supervillain were higher than the chances of stepping on gum on the sidewalk. It was very common back then, but it didn't make it any less cool."

You spare a quick glance to Theo beside you. His eyes are the size of dinner plates now, hanging onto your every word. This kinda talk was like a lifeline to him.

"People had their differences about The Bolt, but every New Yorker agreed that we would only be safe so long as The Bolt was around. But it was weird never knowing who he was. Not having a face to the name, especially if he had just saved your life. At least...I imagine it was weird."

Theo stiffens in a heartbeat, his posture snapping up in a straight line. "You knew him?"

You calculate your next words carefully, your heart in your throat.

Was this a good idea? What would Mary say? That seemed to be the perpetual question on your mind.

You sigh, rubbing soothing circle on Theo's back.

What you say next might change everything.