And The Silver Spoon

You click your tongue and turn on your heel out of the room.

Theo is confused as he watches you go. You go to the freezer and take out a bag of peas, wrapping it in a soft cloth.

You return to Theo's room. He's changed into pajamas now as he unpacks his school bag. You hand him the frozen peas.

"I want that eye iced and healed by morning. Get some rest, kiddo. I'll call your principal in the morning."

"I...actually, I would rather not make this a bigger deal than it already is," Theo says suddenly. "If it's okay, I'd rather you not call."

You hum in understanding. "I meant calling about skipping school tomorrow. You're taking the day off."

Theo smiles gratefully, deflating in relief.

"Thank you."

You send him a kind wink and flip his light switch for the night.
