"Out of curiosity...this superhero obsession seems awfully recent. What made you so interested?"
Theo lights up at your interest. He sits up until he's sitting with his legs criss-crossed.
"Well, I..." Theo thinks hard for a moment. He seems to change his mind about telling you something. "I don't know, my friends kinda got me into it. We have a club at school where we read comic books and talk about them. It's just cool. And it feels like all the good superheroes are gone now."
"Maybe they became parents," you joke. You mentally scold yourself. That might be a little too on the nose.
"I guess that would make sense," he laughs, returning to his work. "But there's this new hero, Apex. He seems really cool. I've seen him around the city every now and then. He has super strength and speed. Plus, he flies, which is, like, super rare."
You scoff. What a hotshot this guy sounds like. You make a mental note to research him later.
"Apex, huh?"
"Yeah. It's a cool name."
"Pssh. I suppose."
You enjoy having this mutual thing to connect about with your son. You decide to tell Theo one of your stories from your Bolt days as if your perspective were a mere onlooker's.
He listens and hangs onto every word.