"It happened at an internship when I was a kid. Just a bit older than you are now."
You can hear Theo's heart skip a beat. You watch his brow furrow and his face twist in confusion.
"Gosh, I remember it like it was yesterday. So many chemicals, and so little supervision. Not that it was my fault. My mentor was the one who miscalculated. It was a horrible experiment gone wrong, that was all. Everything was fine in the end. But...not me. I was different."
When you look at Theo again, he's staring at you with a dark, deadly-serious expression. Like you're about to tell him the secret to the universe.
"Dad...what exactly are you saying?"
You lick dry lips. You wring sweaty hands. Hair neat, and shoulder tense, you finally part your lips.
"Theo, I'm The Bolt."