There is a beat of silence. Longer than you wanted. You stare at Theo in mind-numbing trepidation, waiting for something, anything. Any kind of reaction that isn't disgust or horror or disappointment or-
"You're what?"
" The Bolt. He is me. I am him. We're the same."
That seems to help it sink in a little faster for Theo, but doesn't diminish the horror. His mouth hangs open slightly in stunned confusion, looking you up and down in an entirely new light. Like he's seeing you for the first time.
Admittedly, it's one of the reasons you didn't want to tell him. It would be nice to be just "Dad" to your son, not Superman.
You snort. You always thought that was a funny name for it.
"Well, sure. I'm enhanced. You know, maybe not as much as I used to be, but I could still run a good race. I could still lift a car or two if I REALLY tried."
Theo breathes out a stunned, quiet laugh, still deep in his denial. His mouth remains suspended half-open, like he's coming up with the questions and finding the answers all at once.
"C'mon, kid, don't leave me hanging here. Say something."
It's Theo's turn now to lick dry lips, to wring sweaty hands and summon the courage to speak.
You're starting to get nervous. Like he's going to rebuke you or something. Like he's going to reject you or call you a freak.
"I'm Apex."