After the group it's time for recreation, but since you are not on 30 minute checks you can't go to the gym with everyone. You stay on the unit with the other patients on suicide watch and 15 minute checks. Staff members pull out games for you to play. They also put on a cartoon, but they have it silent with subtitles which takes away 75% of what makes a cartoon good. You find a bucket of blocks, and even though you are too old to be playing with blocks you start pulling them out anyway. You are building the foundation of a castle when the med student from your group earlier walks over to you.
"Hi, I’m Talia. I was in a group with you earlier. Do you mind if I sit down and talk to you for a minute?" You shrug in response. She takes this as an invitation to sit.
At first she attempts to ask you what happened for you to be here, but you make it clear very quickly that you won’t talk about that. Then you notice the Doctor Who pin attached to her jacket and comment on it. You spend the remainder of recreation time talking about Doctor Who with Talia and building a castle. You're almost sad when it's over, that is until Ally comes over and tells you that you’ve been moved to 30 minute checks just in time to be able to go to the cafeteria for dinner. Dinner