
You are finally able to leave the unit and you get in line to walk down to the cafeteria for dinner. You actually get to choose what you want to eat instead of them brining you something. You really cherish the small freedom you have been given. You sit at a table next to a girl named Julia you have started talking to a little bit. Before you start eating a staff member comes by and hands Julia a card and an eraser-less pencil. You must give her a weird look because she explains that she has an eating disorder and they have to track what she eats to make sure she's getting all the nutrients she needs while she works through it. You shrug it off and continue eating, and talking about other things. Towards the end of lunch Julia starts looking panicked and you notice she hasn't eaten very much at all. You ask her if she is okay, and she turns to you and says,

"Can I put some of my food on your plate? I really can't eat it all and I can't drink another supplement. Please?"

You know you shouldn't, but Julia looks like she's about to cry and she's the closest thing you have to a friends here so far.

Let her put food on your plate
Don't let her put food on your plate