First Morning

You are awoken by a nurse and from looking at the clock you can see that it's 7:00 am. She asks you to come get dressed so they can do a physical exam. You quickly change into some sweats and brush your teeth, all the while being monitored by the nurse. It makes you feel uneasy to have someone watching you pee and you try to do everything as fast as possible to spare yourself the embarrassment. After that you are lead into a small, dark exam room where another nurse already looks set up for you. The door closes making you jump slightly and the two nurses talk for a moment giving you a chance to look around the room. It feels dark and musky and the only color they seem to have in this place are shades of brown, grey, and dark green. The tools feel familiar though, you see one of those things that takes your blood pressure, a stethoscope hanging off a hook on the wall, and the exam table they sat you on is the same as the one at your doctors office.

The nurses finally turn to you and begin an exam, explaining that they do this to make sure your mental state isn't connected to any physical issues. They go through basics first, taking your blood pressure, checking your heart, asking you basic questions about your sleeping and eating habits. Then they make you sit in a chair while they draw your blood. You sit stoically looking forward, the needle not really affecting you. Finally they say they need to do a full body check for self harm. They tell you to take all your clothes off except your underwear and stand with your arms and legs spread. You stand in the middle of the room while one nurse circles you and tells the other nurse every mark they see on your body while the other nurse writes down what the first one says. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, feeling vulnerable and exposed. You think you might cry but hold yourself together. Just as you think they are finished, they tell you to take off your underwater so they can have a quick check, and then they need you to squat and cough so they can make sure you aren't trying to smuggle anything in you aren't supposed to have. You can feel your last shred of dignity being ripped from you and you aren't sure you can handle it.

Take a deep breath