The Maid has been working for The Spouse and The Victim for almost their whole career. They truly enjoyed working for the house and would never do anything to upset or hurt the family. The Maid noticed that throughout the years, the relationship between the two began to get less and less close and that towards the end they barely had talked. While working one day, The Victim sent The Maid home early because The Victim was not feeling well. On their way home, The Maid thought it would be nice to get them some soup. While returning to the house, The Maid noticed another man walking up to the front door. This man was not The Spouse and was wearing a policeman uniform. The Maid decided never to speak of this moment because it was not their business. The interview ended early because The Main insisted that they get so cold in the winter time, needing to go home to warm their hands back up. On the night of the crime The Maid was not scheduled to be working. They were across town with their family, or so they say...
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