Issue 3: It is now the last day of rehearsal.The schedule you created for the week did not go as plan due to the VP's need of more time with her piece. Majority of the second to last rehearsal ended up being used solely on the VP's piece, which left you no time to finalize, audition, and stage the finale piece. So for this rehearsal, you have decided to allow time only for the finalizations of the final piece and the remainder of time will be used to run the show. During your allotted time in the schedule of staging the finale piece, your VP approaches you mid instruction and rudely says, "YOU NEED TO SPEED THIS UP, CAUSE I NEED TIME FOR MY PIECE."
You are obviously upset since you have granted the VP's request for additional time for that one section the entire week of rehearsal. Acknowledging the fact, that you didn't exert any negative energy towards the VP after multiple absences which has caused this conflict.
Tensions are high because it is the last rehearsal, so how do you respond?