The Big Debut of the New Era

Issue 2: It is now the week of the show and your Vice President is demanding more time for their piece and there is only 3 rehearsals left to hold auditions for each piece, stage the choreography, and create formations and transitions. Ideally, you would like to stage all the pieces to finalized the show with the next two rehearsal, so the last rehearsal can be more of a Tech Rehearsal last run through. It is impossible to deny the fact that the VP has missed multiple rehearsals, that has led to this dilemma.

Personally, you are kind of annoyed because you know that you have a lot of work that is due and multiple leadership responsibilities, but you still manage to make it to rehearsals and complete assignments. Now that tensions are high since the debut performance is at the end of the week, you are starting to get stressed.

How do you decide to schedule the week to secure an iconic show. Usually in this moment you would step in but you don't know the choreography yourself, what do you do?