Issue 1: You are now in the current era of Infamous Unit, where the unit consist of 40 plus dancers. Studio space is tight due to the size of the big group, tensions are high because everyone has to audition for each piece, and returning members are starting to feel overshadowed due to the amount of recruits. As president you have finalized the set for the big debut of the new era, however it is now the week before the show it is time to finalize the show. For the past weeks the unit have been finalizing the choreography for 3 out 4 pieces of the set. Your Vice President is responsible for finalizing the remaining piece of the set, but the VP has been missing multiple rehearsals due to "last-minute homework." So the VP has delegated one of returning members to fill in to finalize the piece. The delegated returning member has leadership capabilities, but was not too sure on the movement and was not experienced in teaching a big group with a time limit.
Usually in this moment you would step in but you don't know the choreography yourself, what do you do?