Follow the wrapper

You toss the wrapper outside as you make your way to your friend's apartment in hopes to never see the wrapper again. Your wish comes true yet the wrapper slide down the street to hang out for a while.

Rain starts to fall.

As the rain water creates streams by the curbs, your wrapper gets picked up and finds it’s way to a storm drain. It falls inside and gets engulfed with all of the water. The storm drain brings the water out into a local bay for all to see.

The next morning a man is throwing bread into the bay and feeding fish and seagulls.
Your wrapper is amongst the bread they are eating. As the birds and fish dodge the plastic wrapper, one unlucky fish consumes it and cannot swallow the wrapper whole.
It also cannot spit it out either. The fish chokes on the wrapper and after a few minutes floats to the top of the water.

One seagull sees the fish floating and decides to pick at him. All of the seagulls notice and attack the fish!

With all of this rough housing going on, a pelican flies over and the seagulls disperse!

The pelican eats the fish whole and enjoys its hearty meal.

The pelican later defecates into the water and the plastic makes its way out in different pieces. The plastic waits in the water for its next victim.

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