You peel away from the Fire Department with a thundering heart and blurry eyes. You dont think anyone saw you.
You see a pissed-off firefighter in your rearview throwing his arms up in confusion.
Rats. You thought you got away unnoticed.
But youre certainly too far now for anyone to have seen your face, your license plate, even the make of your car.
Youre used to being unnoticed. This is how it should be.
You are a masked vigilante. An anonymous savior to the people. You werent designed to be known and loved. Just mysterious and brave. Just worshipped and idolized.
If anything, that firefighter should be thanking you. By leaving Theo behind, you get to continue saving the city and saving him the trouble of doing it himself, late and half-assed.
You are The Bolt. And for a moment, you feel like a hero. Putting the people of New York before your own son.
But deep down, this decision was for you.
And it will haunt you for the rest of your life.