Night time at camp felt invigorating.

The counselors rounds everyone up for a nighttime acitvity. We were playing a camp-wide game of manhunt.

This wasn't really your vibe. It wasn't Suzie's either. You meet, Kevin, Suzie's friend. It wasn't his vibe either. You all hid the whole game.

"Yeah we have hooked up before," Suzie says gesturing to Kevin. You feel yourelf blushing again. Kevin laughs slyly. So many questions bubbling in your head.

"So are you guys dating then?" you ask.

"No." They shake their heads casually. "He's my best friend. Our parents always force us to come here every summer. We are the only cool ones." They laugh again.

It's like everything they say is an inside joke. Because they've had sex.

"You will learn that sex really isn't that big of a deal. You don't have to be married, or dating, or in love... or really even like the other person."

You walk back to your cabin thinking about Kevin and Suzie. You wonder what it's like to share a moment so vulnerable with someone.

You go to sleep.