You decide to give Franny her space these next few days.
You aren't really sure what you would say if you reached out anyway. If she would even listen if you tried to say your piece.
Fuck her, you decide one second. I miss her, you decide the next.
You need her, you finally conclude, as you pick up the phone to call her.
Her phone goes straight to voicemail. Brilliant. You sigh, tossing your phone on the foot of your bed and collapsing onto it.
You can't waste a second allowing a thought to occur. You reach for the remote and turn on the news.
What's displayed on the screen has you snapping upright into a sitting position in a heartbeat.
A reporter speaks next to a live broadcast of Apex standing on top of the Empire State Building. He holds a tied woman by the nape of her neck.
The reporters words filter in and out, but you tune her out. You're too busy hurriedly putting your Bolt suit on.