You are Michael. You are 40. You live in a brownstone now in Manhattan, New York.
Ten years ago, you adopted your son Theo and you never looked back.
It was better this way. You loved being a father.
You only got to be Theos father by sacrificing being the Bolt, and that kept you up some nights in regret. Theo was 15 now, and you were way past the point of ever regretting keeping Theo.
But you still mourned the persona you left behind all those years ago.
It was all made okay because of Theo, though. Theo was your best friend. Theo was your whole world. You would take Theo being your son over The Bolt being your identity in a heartbeat.
On Theos 7th birthday, you discovered he had asthma the hard way.
On Theos 10th birthday, he called you dad for the first time.
On Theos 13th birthday, you got him his first phone.
On Theos 15th birthday, he asked what you knew about The Bolt.
You think its an innocent question. That he would be curious someday about Manhattan when superheroes used to run ammock freely.
What you don't realize, though, is that it isn't innocent curiosity at all.
Because on Theo's 15th birthday, he asked you about The Bolt.