"Dammit, Theo, I told you this would happen."
Theo rolls his eyes, clearly furious with your response.
"I don't need to hear that right now. I just wanna shower and go to bed."
"Not until you take this down," you snap. You're furious that, even though you gave up being The Bolt, it's still found a way to ruin Theo's life.
"Are you serious? Look at my face."
"I see it. And I won't let it get any worse. Take this garbage down or I will."
Theo scoffs, taking his hoodie off and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Theo, I mean it. Now."
"Just get out," he cries. Your heart jolts when you see the tears in his eyes. "Just please leave me alone."
"I'll leave you alone," you snap, turning on your heel and pausing in his doorway. You take his phone off his wardrobe. "But you're grounded."
"You can't do that!" Theo protests, throwing his hands up in confusion. "I didn't do anything wrong!"
"I told you to forget about this stuff and look where it got you. You're done, Theo, I mean it. You're grounded for two weeks."
"But I-!"
You slam his door. You shove his phone in your pocket.
You'll be damned if you let this go on any longer than it has.