You shake your head. What are you thinking? This is the love of your life.
You burst through the roof access door. Apex turns on his heel, his arm wrapped around Frannys neck.
She is looking at you with wide, pleading eyes. You nod at her reassuringly.
"You got what you wanted," you offer cautiously. "But this is between you and me. Hand her over, and no one needs to get hurt."
"Michael Simmons," he finally growls.
You feel a shiver down your spine, your worst fears come to life.
"Tell the whole world," you scoff, rarely taking eye contact off of Franny. "Sell it on the black market for all I care. But let the girl go. She doesn't need to be mixed up in all this."
"Any sudden movements and I throw her over," Apex snaps. Franny makes a panicked, desperate sound. You nod at her reassuringly again.
Apex shifts his weight nervously between each foot. You can tell hes not a murderer. That he doesn't want to be doing this.
"Do you regret it?" Apex asks you.
"Regret what?"
"Not wanting me."
You blink. You take a step back.
You don't understand. You stare ahead in deep thought, hands lowering to your sides.
Apex tightens his hold on Franny at the same time all the color can drain from your face.
...This can't be Theo, can it?