You are Michael Simmons. You are 70.
Franny's public kidnapping by Apex to trap The Bolt ended up revealing your identity to the world. People who knew Franny personally knew that you two were dating, and one piece of the puzzle connected to the other.
Franny had to be relocated by Witness Protection. You never saw her again after she descended those stairs. Knowing she was safe was solace enough, but only barely. She was the love of your life, and within the span of four days, you had lost her forever.
You had to drop off the grid to evade capture from your past enemies. Now that your identity was public knowledge, thousands of high-threat individuals were out for your blood.
You are 70 now. You live in a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness.
You've developed a fatal illness in your time off the grid. You can't go to any hospitals or seek any medical attention without being found out.
You sit on the porch of your cabin in a rocking chair, staring out into the wilderness.
Today was the day you were going to die. You could feel it.
As breathing became harder, and as your vision became blurrier, you looked out at the breathtaking landscape before you.
You felt a soothing feeling of closure as you finally decided what it was you would differently.
You wouldn't change what happened on that roof. You wouldn't change forgetting your eighth anniversary. You wouldn't even keep Theo if you could turn back time.
But you never would've ruined Mary and Theo Hardin's lives like you felt you had.