This game is based is based of the stories and experiences of those who call the Appalachian Mountains home.
The Appalachian Mountains, are a vast mountain range in eastern North America. Stretching over 2,000 miles from Alabama to Canada. the Appalachians are one of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth, dating back hundreds of millions of years. These majestic mountains are renowned for their breathtaking scenery, rich biodiversity, and a deep cultural heritage that includes a wealth of folk tales and legends.
Because of the beauty and history of these mountains, thousands of hikers from all over the world come to the mountains to experience the beauty and hike the notorius trail. Although many finish the trail without issue, hundreds of people go missing in these mountains every year. while some are found other vanish without a trace and are mever found again.
Many attribute these dissapereances to "normal" circumstances, those who have grown up in Appalachia know there can be other factors.
Growing up in Appalachia we are alwasy taught rules passed down through generations that continue to keep us safe from the "unknowns" of the forrest around us. These rules came from Native American Tribes and early settlers that have observed and experienced these mountains and how they have evolved over the years.
While I can't exactly tell you what is in the woods. I can tell you follow the rules above all...
You saw something? No you didn't.
Walk don't Run.
Not all of The Trees are your friends.