Meet Jim Jones

Leader of the Peoples Temple and director of 900 suicides

Prior to 9/11, the Jonestown massacre was the largest single incident of intentional civilian death in American History, with a death toll of 900 followers

With teachings that blended evangelical Christianity, new age spirituality and social justice teachings, The Peoples temple spread its roots quickly in the United States and gathered around 2,000 to 3,000 members

Unfortunately not all of these members were committed to The Peoples temple. Eventually Jim Jones would decided to move his members to “Jonestown”, located in Guyana in South America

Total support and dedication to the group is required in Jonestown; Denounce any family member that refuses to join The Peoples temple, create false document claiming that you molested your children for potential blackmail, and be prepared to murder any individual outside of Jonestown that attempts to enter!

im Jones was aware of the mass nuclear holocaust that would wipe away humanity, so he prepared his people for the "White Night" where all 900 members would drink the kool aid (cyanide fruit punch) and meet their ascent into heaven

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