You get up from your seat and approach them.

You walk up to them and a few people from the group look up as you compliment the cool anime bag that was resting on the floor near them. The atmosphere shifts as the person thanks you curtly, but not entirely in a rude manner.

An awkward beat. You attempt to strike a conversation about the anime, but the person gives a short answer, and by that response (as well as the other people looking at you with judgemental expressions), you quickly recover and tell them to have a good day, and you leave, somewhat stung.


Several days pass, and you see the group that had been studying in the library. They sit in the cafeteria now, and you decide to try to socialize with them. You walk up and introduce yourself to them, commenting on a book that rested on the table, saying that you had really enjoyed it. The person responds in agreement and invites you to sit down.

You end up chatting with the group until a few of them had to leave for their various classes, and they asked for your social media to keep in touch. Yes! They liked you. You remained talking with the two other people there until you had to leave for class, yourself. You get up from the table and walk away, smiling. They seemed really cool and know you had their contacts.

Do you want to hang out with them again?