Phoebe Bridgers and Gracie Abrams

Phoebe Bridgers and Gracie Abrams both rose to stardom in a similar way - through soundcloud. Both of them released snippests of songs and covers of other artists and began forming fanbases. Still to this day they have their fans that once got to refer to the as "a secret" but as the years have passed they've only grown.

In 2021 Abrams opened for Bridgers at the Autin City Limits festival. Even before that Abrams had made clear she was a fan of Bridgers. Like with many other artists, Abrams covered a lot of Bridgers songs at sound check before her own concerts. They've since interacted on social media and hung out at events.

Abrams and Bridgers have a very similar writing style but with the former taking a lighter tone and the latter a darker tone. Their fanbases might be the ones that overlap the most because neither Abrams or Bridgers are A list celebrities but they are making their way up. It would not be a surprise if one day in the future the two collaborted.

  • Gracie Abrams Main Page
  • Phoebe Bridgers Main Page