As you head away from your home base on your adventure to the coffee shop, you notice another choice ahead of you, a meal, and whatever else the day brings.
To your left, it leads you out of the complex's hidden backside and onto the city's main roads. You can see the road leading straight to the coffee shop in the far distance. It may take a little longer to get there going at your typical cat speed, but you know that this way is easy and accessible and will lead you right towards the food as the morning rush finishes.
To your right, you see a passageway behind the block of buildings. A shortcut, if you will. It looks to be a windy path around the alleyways and buildings behind that lets out around the coffee shop. It is dark and seems a little sketchy, but it could mean you make it towards the food faster and maybe even get more as the morning rush continues.
Which way do you go?