You did it! Your latest TikTok blew up overnight, you gained a ton of followers, MORE of your TikToks started blowing up, and people rushed to follow you on all of your social media platforms. That cover of "Jolene" by Dolly Parton you posted 5 years ago went viral. Dolly's reached out and wants you to feature on her next album. Record labels are already fighting over who gets to sign you. Modeling agencies took notice of your Instagram and want to represent you as well. Netflix has reached out and wants to produce a documentary about your life.
You made it. It happened. Your meteoric rise was unprecedented. The dream of celebrity, realized overnight. But it's harder than it looks.
The public is fickle. Your success can disappear as quickly as it came to you. You have to work hard to keep the public's attention and your name in the media. What are you gonna do?