A senior boy named Josh asks Sage out to go on a date to the movies. Sage, beyond excited that a boy older than her could even notice her and want to go out with her, immediately says yes. He says he will pick her up on friday at 7:00pm and she is ecstatic. Flash forward to Friday night and they are sitting, watching a crappy rom-com when Sage feels Josh's hand slide up and down her leg and then lay there for the rest of the movie. After the movie, he takes her back to his car and pulls her into the backseat. She tries to ask him what he is doing and what is happening, but all he does is sush her and keep kissing her and letting his hands roam all over her body. She keeps telling him no and that she does not want this and is not ready. All of a sudden, he gets off of her, telling her to get out of his car because he cannot stand hearing her complain. She jumps out of the car and runs back into the movie theater to get as far away from him as possible. She calls her brother not telling him what happened, and tries not to cry the entire ride home.
How are you going to help Sage?