Thirteen Years Old

Sage, her older brother and her mother all on a lovely summer vacation together and she is swimming in the pool of the hotel. Sage starts to aimlessly swim around, not a care in the world. All of a sudden, a boy, no older than fifteen grabs her around the waist and swims them over into a more closed-off section of the pool. He starts to grind on her and breathes heavily in her ear. Sage, startled, having no idea what is happening, in a surge of adrenaline, breaks away from the boy and swims back over to her mother. Her mom asks her where she swam off to and Sage tells her that she wanted to see how big the pool was. Sage is confused about what happened to her and does not think that what the boy did to her is sexual assault since the only times she has ever heard of sexual assault are on TV shows and they always include penetration of some kind, so she does not bring it up to anyone for the rest of the day.

How are you going to help Sage?