
Tornadoes were the only disasters that I can say I was already used to before they started happening every week. My parents were from Tennessee, and that's where they raised me in a small one-bedroom house with a tiny little bunker in one of the Safe Zones.

I was around nine when I saw my mom and heard her scream my name outside of the makeshift school. It scared me because she said we had to leave now. I didn't understand what was happening, so I sprinted home with her. As we approached our home, I looked back and saw a tornado growing larger and heading our way. When we got inside, sirens started blasting, and screams and panic took over everyone. My dad and little sister were not home yet, and my mom had told me to stay in the bunker while she went and looked for them. I was so scared sitting there alone in the dark, not knowing that this would be the last day I ever saw my mom, dad, and sister. They never made it back. I was the only one in the Safe Zone that made it out alive. I wonder if they made it to another safe zone every day, but I know deep down they are gone. I lost my family at a young age and had to learn how to survive on my own.

The people in the past failed my family, me, and so many others. I would still be with my loving, caring, funny family if it weren't for people killing and altering Earth. Back