
The first time I experienced a hurricane, I was in a small community of people. This is what we call a “Safe Zone”. There are only a few left now, but they were created to guarantee a place to live, stay, and eat for those out in the world by themselves. However, like most of these Safe Zones, the natural disasters wiped them out.

There were about 30 people in the community, and everyone was very protective of each other and making sure everyone was okay. Late one night, we had a bonfire, and everyone went inside because it started to rain, but we didn't know that this was just the beginning of the downpour. A few hours passed, and it was now morning time. The sound of the wind and rain came pouring down, and out of nowhere, I heard screams from the first floor. I ran to the stairs to see water flowing up to them.

I panicked and climbed onto the roof but what I saw was unimaginable. Not only were our community and homes being destroyed, I saw people struggling to get out of the water, some never coming back up to the surface. A family saved me in the community that had a little boat. Once we were safe, I split ways with them and headed south to travel to another safe zone I heard about while they wanted to travel North.

This day haunts me every day, and anytime a hurricane happens, I am reminded of the power hurricanes have and how much they can take away from you within hours. I lost so many things that day, like people I cared about, a roof over my head, easy access to food and water. The last remaining piece of human life got taken away from me that day. Back