Through The Wind

You begin to float down into the town square. But then the winds shift. They pull you back up, and down. Swirling all around the square until finally. You stop. You have gotten caught on a short shrub. You try and wiggle free. The wind continues to blow trying to liberate you. But alas. Your adventure has come to an end. You look down at the plaza below, watching the comings and goings. Hours pass, then days, then seasons. All while you hang above it all, the wind gently still trying to set you free once more.

Thought you were coy weren't you, well now you are stuck here for a long long time. Not like anyones going to get rid of you. So stick around as long as you'd like.

You are quite the eye sore though.

Thought you'd like to know.

Play Again

Image Credt: Ivan Radic