You in explicit details explain to them why you cant marry them.You serve their ass to them on a silver platter and tell them that you could never forgive them for what they've done to you and the pain they've put you through this last year.

They give you the stereotypical: "ill do better" "we can go to couples counciling" but none of those things seem true.

Though you've made a painful choice to end your 6 year relationship with your partner, you belive that you've made the best choice

You call your bestfriend to tell them about the eventful time you've just had. Your bestfriend wants to key their car, bust the windows out their car, and slash 3 of the tires to your partner's car, instead she comes to see you.

Your bestfriend brings over dinner and a playlist that she's made you titled: "So You Dumped Your Partner and Now You're Rediscovering Yourself". In her words "this playlist will help you speed up the process from 2weeks-2 month *results may vary*".

Listen Now on Apple Music"


Listen on Spotify"

A Year Later...