
Hover over a heart to see the name of the person, and click on it to see them and how Quarantine has benefited them. Be sure to zoom in and out so you dont miss one!

This Connecticut map has 3 of my friends. Sisi, a fellow MMC student, and her girlfriend Mo. I met Sisi right before Welcome Week, in the 'Group B' groupchat we had on Snap. She was my first friend at Marymount, and I adore her so much. I was lucky enough to meet Mo right before college closed, when she came to Manhattan from College in CT to visit. Hopefully next semester we'll be back on campus so I have a chance to get closer to her!
And Katelyn, Mo's classmate who added me on snapchat after Mo posted me on her story the day we met. She told girls to hit me up because I'm single, lmao. Only been talking for a little under a month, she's really an amazing person, and we've gotten pretty close.

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