
Hover over a heart to see the name of the person, and click on it to see them and how Quarantine has benefited them. Be sure to zoom in and out so you dont miss one!

This is by far the most populated map on this website, because I graduated from a high school in PA. Forgive me for this description being the least in-depth.
In this map are 8 of my friends.
Anna, I went to highschool with her, but we became close after we both graduated.
Mikayla and Bree, both of whom I've been friends with since middle school.
Tiffany, who I work a summer job with.
Atticus, my baby trans, who I met my senior year.
Nicholas, who went to my school, but I've only known online.
Lys, who I met online over two years ago.
And last but not least, Randi, who I met recently, but we plan to hang out once quarantine is over!
(p.s. Check out the grad cap on the home page!)

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