#AsiaRisingForever by Aubreyne Brizette Tolentino
With APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi Associated) Heritage month celebrations moving to Quarantine, Asian American label 88rising pulled together a virtual concert of artists from different genres, countries, and labels as a fundraiser for Asian Americans Advancing Justice. This nearly 5 hour concert, titled AsiaRisingForever, comes as a replacement for 88rising’s Asian Leg of their Head in the Clouds Festival/Double Happiness Tour. It also replaces the Coachella debut of 88risings’ Joji, NIKI, and Rich Brian on Friday and Saturday of said music festival. Coachella was also to dedicate all of Saturday to 88rising’s Double Happiness Line-Up.
This Carto Map shows the cancelled in-person shows, locations of the 23 artists that performed remotely, and songs of 5 artists in the show.
Credit to 88rising for all images and videos.