End Catcalling!

by Averee Nelson

Click the flag, click stop, and click the flag again to start my game. Use the arrow keys to move the Stop Sign.

In the United States, street harassment and catcalling is a significant and prevalent problem that interferes with a lot of people's lives. In New York City, the initiative Catcalls of NYC started in 2016, which led to the grassroots movement of "chalking back" to people's experiences with street harassment in order to empower people to speak out. Catcalling is often underreported and ignored even though it's an issue many women and men face in the United States, which makes taking a stance so much more important.

Your goal in this game is to maneuver the stop sign to collect the cats as an act of stopping catcalls.

Credits:Main Game Background, Lose Screen, Stop sign image, and cat images are from Pexels, free to use with no attribution required. The Win Screen is thanks to Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, http://www.tlynnfaz.com/.