I look across the ledge at what seems like the entire world, as Manhattan stands still as though it is being painted. Jacob walks up and hands me a glass of wine - not something I ever thought my boss would do, but I happily accept it and we begin conversing for what seems like hours. Time goes by and the guests dissipate back into their own lives and Jacob invites me and the rest of the stragglers into the warmth of his two bedroom suite-like apartment. Five turns into just one as I stand in the kitchen laughing and sipping wine with Jacob. He starts to get comfortable and somewhat touchy, but the wine in me plays along as I kind of like the attention. Touches down my back turns into waking up with no clothes on in his bed. I turn over and say goodbye to him and call my Uber home. I can't handle the pressure anymore. A week goes by and the company offers me a job. I accept, because I feel as though I have no choice, but nothing seems the same anymore. I sit at my desk feeling exposed and uncomfortable. What have I done?