Project Butterfly: Results


6 months after "choosing" to become a defense lawyer. "Son" believes he has found what he was meant to do. "Son" has joined a local law firm and worked on a few cases where he was able to use his past to connect with the clients and use his new skills to find success with his cases. As for "Father", he continues to work for Ford Motors and his boss seems to be hinting at a promotion for him. Like "Son", "Father" is very much satisfied with his current career and is hopeful for the future. As for "Mother", the sucess of "Father" and "Son" has motivated her to attempt becoming a home-seller again. "Mother" is unsure how well but she has contacted her old realtor agent and is preparing to return to that career. Overall, each family member is satisfied with their current state as they also do not stress about paying bills or payments.

Participants' Current Emotional State:
"Son"                              "Mother"                     "Father"
Happy                       Happy                         Happy

Project Butterfly Completed

The participants will continue on in their lives; however, you will not be the one deciding what they do, they will. It is unclear whether or not the participants will continue to be in their current emotional states in the future; however, these results will be analyzed further to establish whether or not "Project Butterfly" will be considered successful.

Restart Project Butterfly