Project Butterfly: Decision 3

Decision 3: "Father"

As "Mother" attempted to decline her boss's proposition, he decided to fire her for "inappropriateness in the workplace." As a result, "Mother" has returned to job-hunting for the past few years she's been bouncing between jobs to help the family gain financial footing.
Recently, "Father" has completed his Bachelor's degree in Business Management and is now attempting to figure out how best to use his new skills to build a career. "Father" has narrowed it down to two options:
start his own business
take a management position at Ford Motors company
For the past year, "Father" has been in contact with a representative at Ford who has garunteed the position to "Father" once he has graduated. However, "Father" loves a challenge and has, what he believes to be, an amazing idea for a toothbrush product that also flosses teeth. "Father" is excited about this idea, but he is perfectly alright taking the job at Ford.

Participants' Current Emotional State:
"Son"                              "Mother"                     "Father"
Happy               Mixed Emotions               Mixed Emotions