My Favorite New York City Memories
by Sarah Laurentz

My name is Sarah and I live in New York City.
New York City can have so many different meanings for all the millions of people living here.
Here are just a few of some of my favorite places that I visit that hold a special meaning to me.
So come on! Lets travel around NYC as a pigeon,
taking in the sites of the city and maybe seeing some everyday things in a new light.

Photo Credit to (all photos collected from Flickr):
Pigeon Icon: Loumurphy
Washington Square Park: Stefan Hueneke
New Yorker Hotel: B Ser
Art Gallery: Saul Davis
Madison Square Park: Jeffery Zeldman
Pier 63: Katie Louise
Lincoln Center Library: Bob Segal
Cafe Lalo: Dleeinfo
Battery Park: Pierre Bodilis