The Happy Places of Marymount Manhattaners by Katy Milewski

There are locations in this world which fill us with peace, excitement, or awe. (Or all three of those things at once.) Everybody has at least one place where they feel safe and relaxed, whether they know it or not. It's hard to explain why we, as humans, cling onto these special "happy places" throughout our lives. Maybe it's the sense of having our own secret sanctuary that elates us. Or perhaps it's the cathartic spiritual cleansing which occurs while visiting these places which persuades us to plan return trips. Whatever it is, there is something deeply profound and personal about having a little corner of the earth to call your own. You might not actually own the land you're standing on, but for some reason, it feels like home.

New York City was that place for me when I was a child; hence why I made the decision to study at Marymount Manhattan College. During my time here, I've had the opportunity to find many more happy places throughout the city. Eager to know I wasn't the only one who possessed these harmonious private spaces, I asked members of the student body to reveal their own happy places within The Big Apple. Getting to hear their individual reflections and memories has been a delightful experience. Hopefully the map above will inspire you to visit, find, or further appreciate your own happy place. After all, it's important to have a refuge. And what better place to have one than in The City of Dreams?

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