After lunch you are split up again into groups, but these groups are much smaller. You go into a room with only five other people plus two staff members. You sit around a table again and crayons and paper are passed out for coloring. A couple of the other patients immediately dive for the paper and start drawing whatever comes to mind. You find yourself peeling the paper off the crayons instead of drawing with them, a nervous habit you suppose, but it makes you feel a little more calm. One of the staff members introduces herself as Ally and says that she is your case manager, which means she is your main therapist and gets to decide when you get out of here. She says the person beside her is a med student and is just here to observe. It makes you feel weird, like you are some project for this student to research on. Like a lab rat. This group ends up being the one where you actually talk about the awful things happening in your life to make you this messed up, but you can't shake the strange feeling you have about the med student observing this the whole time. Ally turns to you and starts asking you questions about your life. You glance over at the med student again. Ignore the med student Yell about the med student