First Group

After check in you are split up into smaller groups with about 12 people each. You walk into a different room and told you are having a skills class. You don't know what that is but sit down around the table in the middle anyway. A paper is passed out to everyone that has a list of what are labeled as coping skills and then blank spaces. They also pass around pencils with the erasers taken off. The boy beside you tells you it's because people could use erasers to give themselves eraser burn and the metal part that holds them together you could take off and use to cut yourself. You look down at your laceless shoes that you’ve been struggling to keep on your feet all morning and grumble about how they don't let you have anything here and it's like being in prison and daycare at the same time. He chuckles and agrees with you, but then the group starts before you can talk more. 

The group leader starts talking about coping mechanisms and you look down at the sheet to follow along. Everything listed seems stupid and not something that could help you. You skim down the list looking for anything, walking? No. Baking? Definitely not. Dying your hair? How is that even supposed to cure your depression? You feel yourself growing irritated and you raise your hand.

Ask how any of this is supposed to help
Call the therapist stupid