Getting over an ex in any city is hard but trying to get over an ex in New York City is even harder. It seems like a huge city but when trying to forget an ex it seems like the smallest city in the world and everything reminds you of them. This past semester I have been trying to forget my now ex-boyfriend of 2 years, this project being my final send off to our relationship. This project is for me so I'm not bitter and think back on the good times. I think it is important to remember the good times you have had with a person and try not to make them a villain but at the end of the day life goes on and you have to move on. To that I say, to quote Ariana Grande, "thank you, next".
To unlock a deeper look into our relationship, download the HP reveal app on your phone, follow nfriedman2, scan the Grand Central, Whitney and the Madison Square Garden bubbles to see what we were like together.