Terence Crutcher: Officer found not guilty of manslaughter. Philando Castile: Officer acquitted of second degree manslaughter. Samuel DuBose: Charges dropped after two mistrials. Sandra Bland: Perjury charge dropped. Freddie Gray: Three acquitted, charges against three others dropped. Walter L. Scott: Officer sentenced to 20 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to civil rights charges. Akai Gurley: Officer convicted of manslaughter, judge later reduced to negligent homicide. Laquan McDonald: Officer convicted of second-degree manslaughter. Keith Lamont Scott: Officer never charged. Paul O'Neal: Officer never charged. Alton B. Sterling: Officer never charged. Christian Taylor: Officer never charged. Tamir Rice: Officer never charged. Michael Brown: Officer never charged. Eric Garner: Officer never charged. Picture Credit:https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Y0X6xIdD2okd13XpNriRI8hwI9c=/0x34:514x420/1200x800/filters:focal(0x34:514x420)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50036359/Alton_20sterling.0.jpg